Do you want to live a travel life?
We’re writing a book about how to do it. Travel More, Spend Less, & Save the Planet.
Wake up to sunrise on the beach on Monday morning, pick fresh blueberries on a lunch break hike, or have happy hour on a cliff overlooking a national park – all while working? Thanks to new opportunities created during the pandemic, we’ve been doing all of those things over the past two years and want to share how you can as well through long-term travel, i.e. any trip that lasts from a few weeks to a few years.
Importantly, we traveled in an environmentally sustainable way & lowered our carbon footprint by 30%! We’ll show you how to do that.
The book Travel More, Spend Less, & Save the Planet will be all about travel, from how to make long-term travel financially viable to planning out extended trips to tips about hidden travel gem destinations to eco-friendly travel to help the planet.
We were burned out at work and suburban life was meh. We thought, is this it?
And then we realized something. Covid created a revolutionary shift — the wide-scale acceptance of remote work. You can actually travel while working now, or at least many people can. And yet very few people are doing it, particularly people of color. We needed a change and decided to travel across America while working part-time and raising our then-3-year-old son. We then on the road for two years and didn’t look back, exploring off the beaten path destinations all along the way.
This all sounds amazing, but how can you afford it?
Our biggest breakthrough came when doing a travel budget. There were so many costs of just living at home — utilities, Amazon orders, parking at the office, things we bought but didn’t really need… We realized we could cut those costs dramatically on the road. And we’d get out of the vacation mode of eating out every night or staying at hotels. There’s a financial triangle that can get you to long-term travel: save, budget, invest, and then afford the trip of your dreams.
Our budget was $36,000 for a year, and we stuck to it.